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surf_react command

surf_react adsorb command


surf_react ID style args 


surf_react 1 global 0.2 0.15
surf_react 1 prob  
surf_react 1 adsorb gs nsync 10 surf 1000 6.022e18 O CO
surf_react 1 adsorb gs/ps nsync 1 face 300 3e9 O 


Define a model for surface chemistry reactions occurring when particles collide with surface elements or the global boundaries of the simulation box. The asorb model also has an option to encode chemical reactions that can occur on the surface itself.

One or more models can be defined and assigned to different surfaces or simulation box boundaries via the surf_modify or bound_modify commands. See Section 6.9 for more details of how SPARTA defines surfaces as collections of geometric elements, triangles in 3d and line segments in 2d. Also see the react command for specification of a gas-phase chemistry reaction model.

The ID for a surface reaction model is used to identify it in other commands. Each surface reaction model ID must be unique. The ID can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.

The surface reaction models for the different styles are described below. When a a particle collides with a surface element or boundary, the list of all reactions possible with that species as a reactant is looped over. A probability for each reaction is calculated, using the formulas discussed below, and a random number is used to decide which reaction (if any) takes place. A check is made that the sum of probabilities for all possible reactions is <= 1.0, which should normally be the case if reasonable reaction coefficients are defined.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A surface reaction model cannot be specified for surfaces whose surface collision style does not support reactions. Currently this is only the vanish collision style. See the surf_collide doc page for details.

The global style is a simple model that can be used to test whether surface reactions are occurring as expected. There is no list of reactions for different species; all species are treated the same. This style thus defines two universal reactions, the first for particle deletion, the second for particle creation.

The global style takes two parameters, pdelete and pcreate. The first is the probability that a "deletion" reaction takes place when a collision occurs. If it does, the particle is deleted. The second is the probablity that a "creation" reaction occurs, which clones the particle, so that one particle becomes two. The two particles leave the surface according to whatever surface collision model is defined by the surf_collide command, and is assigned to that surface/boundary by the surf_modify collide command.

The sum of pdelete and pcreate must be <= 1.0.

Note that if you simply wish to delete all particles which hit the surface, you can use the surf_collide vanish command, which is simpler.

For the prob style, a file is specified which contains a list of surface chemical reactions, with their associated parameters. The reactions are read into SPARTA and stored in a list. Each time a simulation is run via the run command, the list is scanned. Only reactions for which all the reactants and all the products are currently defined as species-IDs will be active for the simulation. Thus the file can contain more reactions than are used in a particular simulation. See the species command for how species IDs are defined. This style thus defines N reactions, where N is the number of reactions listed in the specified file.

As explained below each reaction has a specified probability between 0.0 and 1.0. That probability is used to choose which reaction (if any) is performed.

The format of the input surface reaction file is as follows. Comments or blank lines are allowed in the file. Comment lines start with a "#" character. All other entries must come in 2-line pairs with values separated by whitespace in the following format

R1 --> P1 + P2
type style C1 C2 ... 

The first line is a text-based description of a single reaction. R1 is a single reactant for the particle that collides with the surface/boundary, listed as a species IDs. P1 and P2 are one or two products, also listed as species IDs. The number of reactants is always 1. The number of allowed products depends on the reaction type, as discussed below. Individual reactants and products must be separated by whitespace and a "+" sign. The left-hand and right-hand sides of the equation must be separated by whitespace and "-->".

The type of each reaction is a single character (upper or lower case) with the following meaning. The type determines how many reactants and products can be specified in the first line.

D = dissociation = 1 reactant and 2 products
E = exchange = 1 reactant and 1 product
R = recombination = 1 reactant and 1 product named NULL 

A dissociation reaction means that R1 dissociates into P1 and P2 when it collides with the surface/boundary. There is no restriction on the species involved in the reaction.

An exchange reaction is a collision where R1 becomes a new product P1. There is no restriction on the species involved in the reaction.

A recombination reaction is a collision where R1 is absorbed by the surface, so that the particle disappears. There are no products which is indicated in the file by listing a single product as NULL. There is no restriction on the species involved in the reaction.

The style of each reaction is a single character (upper or lower case) with the following meaning:

The style determines how many reaction coefficients are listed as C1, C2, etc, and how they are interpreted by SPARTA.

For S = Surface style, there are two coefficients. The first is required and the second is optional and will be set to 0.0 if not specified:

For the adsorb style, gas particles can adsorb on the surface. Adsorbed particles can then undergo reactions with other adsorbed particles as well as with new gas-phase particles that strike the surface. Each surface element stores its "state" for the counts of different particle species currently adsorbed on the element, which alters the probablity for future reactions to take place.

A detailed description of the adsorb style and the list of reactions it supports is given on a separate surf_react_adsorb doc page.

If the ambipolar approximation is being used, via the fix ambipolar command, then reactions which involve either ambipolar ions or the ambipolar electron have more restricitve rules about the ordering of reactants and products, than those described in the preceeding section for the prob style.

The first is an "exchange" reaction which converts an ambipolar ion into a neutral species. Internally this removes the ambipolar electron associated with the ion. In the file of reactions this is done by having the reactant be an ambipolar ion, and the product not be an ambipolar ion.

The second is a "dissociation" reaction where a neutral species is ionized by colliding with the surface/boundary, creating an ambipolar ion and ambipolar electron. In the file of reactions this is done by having the reactant not be an ambipolar ion, the first product be an ambipolar ion, and the second product be an ambipolar electron. The two products must be specified in this order.

Output info:

All the surface reaction models calculate a global vector of values. The values can be used by the stats_style command and by variables that define formulas. The latter means they can be used by any command that uses a variable as input, e.g. "the fix ave/time command. See Section 4.4 for an overview of SPARTA output options.

The global, prob, and adsorb styles each compute a vector of length 2 + 2*nlist. For the global style, nlist = 2, for "delete" and "create" reactions. For the prob style, nlist is the number of reactions listed in the file is read as input. For the adsorb style, nlist is the sum of both the gas-surface and pure-surface reactions listed in the file(s) read as input.

The first element of the vector is the count of particles that performed surface reactions for surface elements assigned to this reaction model during the current timestep. The second element is the cummulative count of particles that have performed reactions since the beginning of the current run. The next nlist elements are the count of each individual reaction that occurred during the current timestep. The final nlist elements are the cummulative count of each individual reaction since the beginning of the current run.

Styles with a kk suffix are functionally the same as the corresponding style without the suffix. They have been optimized to run faster, depending on your available hardware, as discussed in the Accelerating SPARTA section of the manual. The accelerated styles take the same arguments and should produce the same results, except for different random number, round-off and precision issues.

These accelerated styles are part of the KOKKOS package. They are only enabled if SPARTA was built with that package. See the Making SPARTA section for more info.

You can specify the accelerated styles explicitly in your input script by including their suffix, or you can use the -suffix command-line switch when you invoke SPARTA, or you can use the suffix command in your input script.

See the Accelerating SPARTA section of the manual for more instructions on how to use the accelerated styles effectively.


If specified with a kk suffix, this command can be used no more than twice in the same input script (active at the same time).

Related commands:

react, surf_modify, bound_modify, surf_react_adsorb

Default: none