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5. Accelerating SPARTA performance

This section describes various methods for improving SPARTA performance for different classes of problems running on different kinds of machines.

Currently the only option is to use the KOKKOS accelerator packages provided with SPARTA that contains code optimized for certain kinds of hardware, including multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.

The Benchmark page of the SPARTA web site gives performance results for the various accelerator packages discussed in Section 5.2, for several of the standard SPARTA benchmark problems, as a function of problem size and number of compute nodes, on different hardware platforms.

5.1 Measuring performance

Before trying to make your simulation run faster, you should understand how it currently performs and where the bottlenecks are.

The best way to do this is run the your system (actual number of particles) for a modest number of timesteps (say 100 steps) on several different processor counts, including a single processor if possible. Do this for an equilibrium version of your system, so that the 100-step timings are representative of a much longer run. There is typically no need to run for 1000s of timesteps to get accurate timings; you can simply extrapolate from short runs.

For the set of runs, look at the timing data printed to the screen and log file at the end of each SPARTA run. This section of the manual has an overview.

Running on one (or a few processors) should give a good estimate of the serial performance and what portions of the timestep are taking the most time. Running the same problem on a few different processor counts should give an estimate of parallel scalability. I.e. if the simulation runs 16x faster on 16 processors, its 100% parallel efficient; if it runs 8x faster on 16 processors, it's 50% efficient.

The most important data to look at in the timing info is the timing breakdown and relative percentages. For example, trying different options for speeding up the FFTs will have little impact if they only consume 10% of the run time. If the collide time is dominating, you may want to look at the KOKKOS package, as discussed below. Comparing how the percentages change as you increase the processor count gives you a sense of how different operations within the timestep are scaling.

Another important detail in the timing info are the histograms of particles counts and neighbor counts. If these vary widely across processors, you have a load-imbalance issue. This often results in inaccurate relative timing data, because processors have to wait when communication occurs for other processors to catch up. Thus the reported times for "Communication" or "Other" may be higher than they really are, due to load-imbalance. If this is an issue, you can uncomment the MPI_Barrier() lines in src/timer.cpp, and recompile SPARTA, to obtain synchronized timings.

5.2 Packages with optimized styles

Accelerated versions of various collide_style, fixes, computes, and other commands have been added to SPARTA via the KOKKOS package, which may run faster than the standard non-accelerated versions.

All of these commands are in the KOKKOS package provided with SPARTA. An overview of packages is give in Section packages.

SPARTA currently has acceleration support for three kinds of hardware, via the KOKKOS package: Many-core CPUs, NVIDIA GPUs, and Intel Xeon Phi.

Whether you will see speedup for your hardware may depend on the size problem you are running and what commands (accelerated and non-accelerated) are invoked by your input script. While these doc pages include performance guidelines, there is no substitute for trying out the KOKKOS package.

Any accelerated style has the same name as the corresponding standard style, except that a suffix is appended. Otherwise, the syntax for the command that uses the style is identical, their functionality is the same, and the numerical results it produces should also be the same, except for precision and round-off effects, and differences in random numbers.

For example, the KOKKOS package provides an accelerated variant of the Temperature Compute compute temp, namely compute temp/kk

To see what accelerate styles are currently available, see Section 3.5 of the manual. The doc pages for individual commands (e.g. compute temp) also list any accelerated variants available for that style.

To use an accelerator package in SPARTA, and one or more of the styles it provides, follow these general steps:

using make:

install the accelerator package make yes-fft, make yes-kokkos, etc
add compile/link flags to Makefile.machine in src/MAKE KOKKOS_ARCH=PASCAL60
re-build SPARTA make kokkos_cuda

or, using CMake from a build directory:

install the accelerator package cmake -DPKG_FFT=ON -DPKG_KOKKOS=ON, etc
add compile/link flags cmake -C /path/to/sparta/cmake/presets/kokkos_cuda.cmake -DKokkos_ARCH_PASCAL60=ON
re-build SPARTA make

Then do the following:

prepare and test a regular SPARTA simulation lmp_kokkos_cuda -in in.script; mpirun -np 32 lmp_kokkos_cuda -in in.script
enable specific accelerator support via '-k on' command-line switch, -k on g 1
set any needed options for the package via "-pk" command-line switch or package command, only if defaults need to be changed, -pk kokkos react/retry yes
use accelerated styles in your input via "-sf" command-line switch or suffix command lmp_kokkos_cuda -in in.script -sf kk

Note that the first 3 steps can be done as a single command with suitable make command invocations. This is discussed in Section 4 of the manual, and its use is illustrated in the individual accelerator sections. Typically these steps only need to be done once, to create an executable that uses one or more accelerator packages.

The last 4 steps can all be done from the command-line when SPARTA is launched, without changing your input script, as illustrated in the individual accelerator sections. Or you can add package and suffix commands to your input script.

The Benchmark page of the SPARTA web site gives performance results for the various accelerator packages for several of the standard SPARTA benchmark problems, as a function of problem size and number of compute nodes, on different hardware platforms.

Here is a brief summary of what the KOKKOS package provides.

  • Styles with a "kk" suffix are part of the KOKKOS package, and can be run using OpenMP on multicore CPUs, on an NVIDIA GPU, or on an Intel Xeon Phi in "native" mode. The speed-up depends on a variety of factors, as discussed on the KOKKOS accelerator page.

    The KOKKOS accelerator package doc page explains:

    5.3 KOKKOS package

    Kokkos is a templated C++ library that provides abstractions to allow a single implementation of an application kernel (e.g. a collision style) to run efficiently on different kinds of hardware, such as GPUs, Intel Xeon Phis, or many-core CPUs. Kokkos maps the C++ kernel onto different backend languages such as CUDA, OpenMP, or Pthreads. The Kokkos library also provides data abstractions to adjust (at compile time) the memory layout of data structures like 2d and 3d arrays to optimize performance on different hardware. For more information on Kokkos, see Github. Kokkos is part of Trilinos. The Kokkos library was written primarily by Carter Edwards, Christian Trott, and Dan Sunderland (all Sandia).

    The SPARTA KOKKOS package contains versions of collide, fix, and compute styles that use data structures and macros provided by the Kokkos library, which is included with SPARTA in /lib/kokkos. The KOKKOS package was developed primarily by Stan Moore (Sandia) with contributions of various styles by others, including Dan Ibanez (Sandia), Tim Fuller (Sandia), and Sam Mish (Sandia). For more information on developing using Kokkos abstractions see the Kokkos programmers' guide at /lib/kokkos/doc/Kokkos_PG.pdf.

    The KOKKOS package currently provides support for 3 modes of execution (per MPI task). These are Serial (MPI-only for CPUs and Intel Phi), OpenMP (threading for many-core CPUs and Intel Phi), and CUDA (for NVIDIA GPUs). You choose the mode at build time to produce an executable compatible with specific hardware.

    NOTE: Kokkos support within SPARTA must be built with a C++17 compatible compiler. For a list of compilers that have been tested with the Kokkos library, see the Kokkos README.

    Building SPARTA with the KOKKOS package with Makefiles:

    To build with the KOKKOS package, start with the provided Kokkos Makefiles in /src/MAKE/. You may need to modify the KOKKOS_ARCH variable in the Makefile to match your specific hardware. For example:

    Building SPARTA with the KOKKOS package with CMake:

    To build with the KOKKOS package, start with the provided preset files in /cmake/presets/. You may need to set -D Kokkos_ARCH_TYPE=ON to match your specific hardware. For example:

    See the Advanced Kokkos Options section below for a listing of all Kokkos architecture options.

    Compile for CPU-only (MPI only, no threading):

    Use a C++17 compatible compiler and set Kokkos architicture variable in as described above. Then do the following:

    using Makefiles:

    cd sparta/src
    make yes-kokkos
    make kokkos_mpi_only 

    using CMake:

    cd build
    cmake -C /path/to/sparta/cmake/presets/kokkos_mpi_only.cmake

    Compile for CPU-only (MPI plus OpenMP threading):

    NOTE: To build with Kokkos support for OpenMP threading, your compiler must support the OpenMP interface. You should have one or more multi-core CPUs so that multiple threads can be launched by each MPI task running on a CPU.

    Use a C++17 compatible compiler and set Kokkos architecture variable in as described above. Then do the following:

    using Makefiles:

    cd sparta/src
    make yes-kokkos
    make kokkos_omp 

    using CMake:

    cd build
    cmake -C /path/to/sparta/cmake/presets/kokkos_omp.cmake

    Compile for Intel KNL Xeon Phi (Intel Compiler, OpenMPI):

    Use a C++17 compatible compiler and do the following:

    using Makefiles:

    cd sparta/src
    make yes-kokkos
    make kokkos_phi 

    using CMake:

    cd build
    cmake -C /path/to/sparta/cmake/presets/kokkos_phi.cmake

    Compile for CPUs and GPUs (with OpenMPI or MPICH):

    NOTE: To build with Kokkos support for NVIDIA GPUs, NVIDIA CUDA software version 11.0 or later must be installed on your system.

    Use a C++17 compatible compiler and set Kokkos architecture variable in for both GPU and CPU as described above. Then do the following:

    using Makefiles:

    cd sparta/src
    make yes-kokkos
    make kokkos_cuda 

    using CMake:

    cd build
    cmake -C /path/to/sparta/cmake/presets/kokkos_cuda.cmake

    Running SPARTA with the KOKKOS package:

    All Kokkos operations occur within the context of an individual MPI task running on a single node of the machine. The total number of MPI tasks used by SPARTA (one or multiple per compute node) is set in the usual manner via the mpirun or mpiexec commands, and is independent of Kokkos. The mpirun or mpiexec command sets the total number of MPI tasks used by SPARTA (one or multiple per compute node) and the number of MPI tasks used per node. E.g. the mpirun command in OpenMPI does this via its -np and -npernode switches. Ditto for MPICH via -np and -ppn.

    Running on a multi-core CPU:

    Here is a quick overview of how to use the KOKKOS package for CPU acceleration, assuming one or more 16-core nodes.

    mpirun -np 16 spa_kokkos_mpi_only -k on -sf kk -in in.collide        # 1 node, 16 MPI tasks/node, no multi-threading
    mpirun -np 2 -ppn 1 spa_kokkos_omp -k on t 16 -sf kk -in in.collide  # 2 nodes, 1 MPI task/node, 16 threads/task
    mpirun -np 2 spa_kokkos_omp -k on t 8 -sf kk -in in.collide          # 1 node,  2 MPI tasks/node, 8 threads/task
    mpirun -np 32 -ppn 4 spa_kokkos_omp -k on t 4 -sf kk -in in.collide  # 8 nodes, 4 MPI tasks/node, 4 threads/task 

    To run using the KOKKOS package, use the "-k on", "-sf kk" and "-pk kokkos" command-line switches in your mpirun command. You must use the "-k on" command-line switch to enable the KOKKOS package. It takes additional arguments for hardware settings appropriate to your system. Those arguments are documented here. For OpenMP use:

    -k on t Nt 

    The "t Nt" option specifies how many OpenMP threads per MPI task to use with a node. The default is Nt = 1, which is MPI-only mode. Note that the product of MPI tasks * OpenMP threads/task should not exceed the physical number of cores (on a node), otherwise performance will suffer. If hyperthreading is enabled, then the product of MPI tasks * OpenMP threads/task should not exceed the physical number of cores * hardware threads. The "-k on" switch also issues a "package kokkos" command (with no additional arguments) which sets various KOKKOS options to default values, as discussed on the package command doc page.

    The "-sf kk" command-line switch will automatically append the "/kk" suffix to styles that support it. In this manner no modification to the input script is needed. Alternatively, one can run with the KOKKOS package by editing the input script as described below.

    NOTE: When using a single OpenMP thread, the Kokkos Serial backend (i.e. Makefile.kokkos_mpi_only) will give better performance than the OpenMP backend (i.e. Makefile.kokkos_omp) because some of the overhead to make the code thread-safe is removed.

    NOTE: The default for the package kokkos command is to use "threaded" communication. However, when running on CPUs, it will typically be faster to use "classic" non-threaded communication. Use the "-pk kokkos" command-line switch to change the default package kokkos options. See its doc page for details and default settings. Experimenting with its options can provide a speed-up for specific calculations. For example:

    mpirun -np 16 spa_kokkos_mpi_only -k on -sf kk -pk kokkos comm classic -in in.collide       # non-threaded comm 

    For OpenMP, the KOKKOS package uses data duplication (i.e. thread-private arrays) by default to avoid thread-level write conflicts in some compute styles. Data duplication is typically fastest for small numbers of threads (i.e. 8 or less) but does increase memory footprint and is not scalable to large numbers of threads. An alternative to data duplication is to use thread-level atomics, which don't require duplication. When using the Kokkos Serial backend or the OpenMP backend with a single thread, no duplication or atomics are used. For CUDA, the KOKKOS package always uses atomics in these computes when necessary. The use of atomics instead of duplication can be forced by compiling with the "-DSPARTA_KOKKOS_USE_ATOMICS" compile switch.

    Core and Thread Affinity:

    When using multi-threading, it is important for performance to bind both MPI tasks to physical cores, and threads to physical cores, so they do not migrate during a simulation.

    If you are not certain MPI tasks are being bound (check the defaults for your MPI installation), binding can be forced with these flags:

    OpenMPI 1.8: mpirun -np 2 -bind-to socket -map-by socket ./spa_openmpi ...
    Mvapich2 2.0: mpiexec -np 2 -bind-to socket -map-by socket ./spa_mvapich ... 

    For binding threads with KOKKOS OpenMP, use thread affinity environment variables to force binding. With OpenMP 3.1 (gcc 4.7 or later, intel 12 or later) setting the environment variable OMP_PROC_BIND=true should be sufficient. In general, for best performance with OpenMP 4.0 or better set OMP_PROC_BIND=spread and OMP_PLACES=threads. For binding threads with the KOKKOS pthreads option, compile SPARTA the KOKKOS HWLOC=yes option as described below.

    Running on Knight's Landing (KNL) Intel Xeon Phi:

    Here is a quick overview of how to use the KOKKOS package for the Intel Knight's Landing (KNL) Xeon Phi:

    KNL Intel Phi chips have 68 physical cores. Typically 1 to 4 cores are reserved for the OS, and only 64 or 66 cores are used. Each core has 4 hyperthreads, so there are effectively N = 256 (4*64) or N = 264 (4*66) cores to run on. The product of MPI tasks * OpenMP threads/task should not exceed this limit, otherwise performance will suffer. Note that with the KOKKOS package you do not need to specify how many KNLs there are per node; each KNL is simply treated as running some number of MPI tasks.

    Examples of mpirun commands that follow these rules are shown below.

    Intel KNL node with 64 cores (256 threads/node via 4x hardware threading):
    mpirun -np 64 spa_kokkos_phi -k on t 4 -sf kk -in in.collide      # 1 node, 64 MPI tasks/node, 4 threads/task
    mpirun -np 66 spa_kokkos_phi -k on t 4 -sf kk -in in.collide      # 1 node, 66 MPI tasks/node, 4 threads/task
    mpirun -np 32 spa_kokkos_phi -k on t 8 -sf kk -in in.collide      # 1 node, 32 MPI tasks/node, 8 threads/task
    mpirun -np 512 -ppn 64 spa_kokkos_phi -k on t 4 -sf kk -in in.collide  # 8 nodes, 64 MPI tasks/node, 4 threads/task 

    The -np setting of the mpirun command sets the number of MPI tasks/node. The "-k on t Nt" command-line switch sets the number of threads/task as Nt. The product of these two values should be N, i.e. 256 or 264.

    NOTE: The default for the package kokkos command is to use "threaded" communication. However, when running on KNL, it will typically be faster to use "classic" non-threaded communication. Use the "-pk kokkos" command-line switch to change the default package kokkos options. See its doc page for details and default settings. Experimenting with its options can provide a speed-up for specific calculations. For example:

    mpirun -np 64 spa_kokkos_phi -k on t 4 -sf kk -pk kokkos comm classic -in in.collide      # non-threaded comm 

    NOTE: MPI tasks and threads should be bound to cores as described above for CPUs.

    NOTE: To build with Kokkos support for Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors such as Knight's Corner (KNC), your system must be configured to use them in "native" mode, not "offload" mode.

    Running on GPUs:

    Use the "-k" command-line switch to specify the number of GPUs per node, and the number of threads per MPI task. Typically the -np setting of the mpirun command should set the number of MPI tasks/node to be equal to the # of physical GPUs on the node. You can assign multiple MPI tasks to the same GPU with the KOKKOS package, but this is usually only faster if significant portions of the input script have not been ported to use Kokkos. Using CUDA MPS is recommended in this scenario. As above for multi-core CPUs (and no GPU), if N is the number of physical cores/node, then the number of MPI tasks/node should not exceed N.

    -k on g Ng 

    Here are examples of how to use the KOKKOS package for GPUs, assuming one or more nodes, each with two GPUs.

    mpirun -np 2 spa_kokkos_cuda -k on g 2 -sf kk -in in.collide          # 1 node,   2 MPI tasks/node, 2 GPUs/node
    mpirun -np 32 -ppn 2 spa_kokkos_cuda -k on g 2 -sf kk -in in.collide  # 16 nodes, 2 MPI tasks/node, 2 GPUs/node (32 GPUs total) 

    NOTE: Use the "-pk kokkos" command-line switch to change the default package kokkos options. See its doc page for details and default settings. For example:

    mpirun -np 2 spa_kokkos_cuda -k on g 2 -sf kk -pk kokkos gpu/aware off -in in.collide      # set gpu/aware MPI support off 

    NOTE: Using OpenMP threading and CUDA together is currently not possible with the SPARTA KOKKOS package.

    NOTE: For good performance of the KOKKOS package on GPUs, you must have Kepler generation GPUs (or later). The Kokkos library exploits texture cache options not supported by Telsa generation GPUs (or older).

    NOTE: When using a GPU, you will achieve the best performance if your input script does not use fix or compute styles which are not yet Kokkos-enabled. This allows data to stay on the GPU for multiple timesteps, without being copied back to the host CPU. Invoking a non-Kokkos fix or compute, or performing I/O for stat or dump output will cause data to be copied back to the CPU incurring a performance penalty.

    Run with the KOKKOS package by editing an input script:

    Alternatively the effect of the "-sf" or "-pk" switches can be duplicated by adding the package kokkos or suffix kk commands to your input script.

    The discussion above for building SPARTA with the KOKKOS package, the mpirun/mpiexec command, and setting appropriate thread are the same.

    You must still use the "-k on" command-line switch to enable the KOKKOS package, and specify its additional arguments for hardware options appropriate to your system, as documented above.

    You can use the suffix kk command, or you can explicitly add a "kk" suffix to individual styles in your input script, e.g.

    collide vss/kk air ar.vss 

    You only need to use the package kokkos command if you wish to change any of its option defaults, as set by the "-k on" command-line switch.

    Speed-ups to expect:

    The performance of KOKKOS running in different modes is a function of your hardware, which KOKKOS-enable styles are used, and the problem size.

    Generally speaking, when running on CPUs only, with a single thread per MPI task, the performance difference of a KOKKOS style and (un-accelerated) styles (MPI-only mode) is typically small (less than 20%).

    See the Benchmark page of the SPARTA web site for performance of the KOKKOS package on different hardware.

    Advanced Kokkos options:

    There are other allowed options when building with the KOKKOS package. A few options are listed here; for a full list of all options, please refer to the Kokkos documentation. As above, these options can be set as variables on the command line, in a Makefile, or in a CMake presets file. For default CMake values, see cmake -LH | grep -i kokkos.

    The CMake option Kokkos_ENABLE_OPTION or the makefile setting KOKKOS_DEVICE=OPTION sets the parallelization method used for Kokkos code (within SPARTA). For example, the CMake option Kokkos_ENABLE_SERIAL=ON or the makefile setting KOKKOS_DEVICES=SERIAL means that no threading will be used. The CMake option Kokkos_ENABLE_OPENMP=ON or the makefile setting KOKKOS_DEVICES=OPENMP means that OpenMP threading will be used. The CMake option Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=ON or the makefile setting KOKKOS_DEVICES=CUDA means an NVIDIA GPU running CUDA will be used.

    As described above, the CMake option Kokkos_ARCH_TYPE=ON or the makefile setting KOKKOS_ARCH=TYPE enables compiler switches needed when compiling for a specific hardware:

    Arch-ID HOST or GPU Description
    NATIVE HOST Local machine
    ARMV80 HOST ARMv8.0 Compatible CPU
    ARMV81 HOST ARMv8.1 Compatible CPU
    ARMV8_THUNDERX2 HOST ARMv8 Cavium ThunderX2 CPU
    A64FX HOST ARMv8.2 with SVE Support
    SNB HOST Intel Sandy/Ivy Bridge CPUs
    HSW HOST Intel Haswell CPUs
    BDW HOST Intel Broadwell Xeon E-class CPUs
    ICL HOST Intel Ice Lake Client CPUs (AVX512)
    ICX HOST Intel Ice Lake Xeon Server CPUs (AVX512)
    SKL HOST Intel Skylake Client CPUs
    SKX HOST Intel Skylake Xeon Server CPUs (AVX512)
    KNC HOST Intel Knights Corner Xeon Phi
    KNL HOST Intel Knights Landing Xeon Phi
    SPR HOST Intel Sapphire Rapids Xeon Server CPUs (AVX512)
    ZEN HOST AMD Zen architecture
    ZEN2 HOST AMD Zen2 architecture
    ZEN3 HOST AMD Zen3 architecture
    RISCV_SG2042 HOST SG2042 (RISC-V) CPUs
    KEPLER30 GPU NVIDIA Kepler generation CC 3.0
    KEPLER32 GPU NVIDIA Kepler generation CC 3.2
    KEPLER35 GPU NVIDIA Kepler generation CC 3.5
    KEPLER37 GPU NVIDIA Kepler generation CC 3.7
    MAXWELL50 GPU NVIDIA Maxwell generation CC 5.0
    MAXWELL52 GPU NVIDIA Maxwell generation CC 5.2
    MAXWELL53 GPU NVIDIA Maxwell generation CC 5.3
    PASCAL60 GPU NVIDIA Pascal generation CC 6.0
    PASCAL61 GPU NVIDIA Pascal generation CC 6.1
    VOLTA70 GPU NVIDIA Volta generation CC 7.0
    VOLTA72 GPU NVIDIA Volta generation CC 7.2
    TURING75 GPU NVIDIA Turing generation CC 7.5
    AMPERE80 GPU NVIDIA Ampere generation CC 8.0
    AMPERE86 GPU NVIDIA Ampere generation CC 8.6
    ADA89 GPU NVIDIA Ada generation CC 8.9
    HOPPER90 GPU NVIDIA Hopper generation CC 9.0
    AMD_GFX906 GPU AMD GPU MI50/60
    AMD_GFX1030 GPU AMD GPU V620/W6800
    INTEL_GEN GPU SPIR64-based devices, e.g. Intel GPUs, using JIT
    INTEL_DG1 GPU Intel Iris XeMAX GPU
    INTEL_GEN9 GPU Intel GPU Gen9
    INTEL_GEN11 GPU Intel GPU Gen11
    INTEL_PVC GPU Intel GPU Ponte Vecchio

    The CMake option Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_OPTION or the makefile setting KOKKOS_CUDA_OPTIONS=OPTION are additional options for CUDA. For example, the CMake option Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_UVM=ON or the makefile setting KOKKOS_CUDA_OPTIONS="enable_lambda,force_uvm" enables the use of CUDA "Unified Virtual Memory" (UVM) in Kokkos. UVM allows to one to use the host CPU memory to supplement the memory used on the GPU (with some performance penalty) and thus enables running larger problems that would otherwise not fit into the RAM on the GPU. Please note, that the SPARTA KOKKOS package must always be compiled with the CMake option Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA=ON or the makefile setting KOKKOS_CUDA_OPTIONS=enable_lambda when using GPUs. The CMake configuration will thus always enable it.

    The CMake option Kokkos_ENABLE_DEBUG=ON or the makefile setting KOKKOS_DEBUG=yes is useful when developing a Kokkos-enabled style within SPARTA. This option enables printing of run-time debugging information that can be useful and also enables runtime bounds checking on Kokkos data structures, but may slow down performance.


    Currently, there are no precision options with the KOKKOS package. All compilation and computation is performed in double precision.