SPARTA WWW Site - SPARTA Documentation - SPARTA Commands

SPARTA Documentation

20 Jan 2025 version

Version info:

The SPARTA "version" is the date when it was released, such as 3 Mar 2014. SPARTA is updated continuously. Whenever we fix a bug or add a feature, we release it immediately, and post a notice on this page of the WWW site. Each dated copy of SPARTA contains all the features and bug-fixes up to and including that version date. The version date is printed to the screen and logfile every time you run SPARTA. It is also in the file src/version.h and in the SPARTA directory name created when you unpack a tarball, and at the top of the first page of the manual (this page).

SPARTA stands for Stochastic PArallel Rarefied-gas Time-accurate Analyzer.

SPARTA is a Direct Simulation Montel Carlo (DSMC) simulator designed to run efficiently on parallel computers. It was developed at Sandia National Laboratories, a US Department of Energy facility, with funding from the DOE. It is an open-source code, distributed freely under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL), or sometimes by request under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

The primary developers of SPARTA are Steve Plimpton, and Michael Gallis who can be contacted at sjplimp at and magalli at The SPARTA WWW Site at has more information about the code and its uses.

The SPARTA documentation is organized into the following sections. If you find errors or omissions in this manual or have suggestions for useful information to add, please send an email to the developers so we can improve the SPARTA documentation.

Once you are familiar with SPARTA, you may want to bookmark this page at Section_commands.html#comm since it gives quick access to documentation for all SPARTA commands.

PDF file of the entire manual, generated by htmldoc

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting started
  3. Commands
  4. Packages
  5. Accelerating SPARTA performance
  6. How-to discussions
  7. Example problems
  8. Performance & scalability
  9. Additional tools
  10. Modifying & extending SPARTA
  11. Python interface
  12. Errors
  13. Future and history