SPARTA WWW Site - SPARTA Documentation - SPARTA Commands

compute reduce command


compute ID reduce mode input1 input2 ... keyword args ... 


compute 1 reduce sum c_grid[*]
compute 2 reduce min f_ave v_myKE subset trace_species
compute 3 reduce max c_mine[1] c_mine[2] c_temp replace 1 3 replace 2 3 

These commands will include the average grid cell temperature, across all grid cells, in the stats output:

compute 1 temp
compute	2 grid all all temp
compute 3 reduce ave c_2[1]
stats_style step c_temp c_3 


Define a calculation that "reduces" one or more vector inputs into scalar values, one per listed input. The inputs can be per-particle or per-grid or per-surf quantities; they cannot be global quantities. Particle attributes are per-particle quantities. Computes and fixes may generate any of the three kinds of quantities. Particle-style, grid-style, and surf-style variables generate per-particle, per-grid, or per-surf quantities respectively. Custom attributes can be per-particle, per-grid, or per-surf quantities. See the variable command and its special functions which can perform the same operations as the compute reduce command on global vectors.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All inputs to a compute reduce command must be the same type: per-particle, per-grid, or per-surf. You can use the command multiple times if you need to reduce values of different types.

The reduction operation is specified by the mode setting. The sum option adds the values in the vector into a global total. The min or max operations find the minimum or maximum value across all vector values. The ave operation adds the vector values into a global total, then divides by the number of values in the vector. The sumsq operation sums the square of the values in the vector into a global total. The avesq oepration does the same as sumsq, then divdes the sum of squares by the number of values. These two operations can be useful for calculating the variance of some quantity, e.g. variance = sumsq - ave^2.

The sum-area or ave-area options can only be used for per-surf inputs. Both options multiply each per-surf value by the area of the surface element (triangle in 3d, line segment in 2d) and sum the resulting values over all surface elements. That is the output for the sum-area option. For the ave-area option the summed value is divided by the summed area of all elements. Note that both of these options are designed to work with flux values (e.g. mass per area per time) produced by the compute surf command with its default norm = yes option.

Each listed input vector is operated on independently.

Each listed input vector can be a particle attribute or can be the result of a compute or fix or the evaluation of a variable. Or it can be a custom attribute of a particle, grid cell, or surface element.

Note that for values from a compute or fix or custom attribute, the bracketed index I can be specified using a wildcard asterisk with the index to effectively specify multiple values. This takes the form "*" or "*n" or "n*" or "m*n". If N = the size of the vector (for mode = scalar) or the number of columns in the array (for mode = vector), then an asterisk with no numeric values means all indices from 1 to N. A leading asterisk means all indices from 1 to n (inclusive). A trailing asterisk means all indices from n to N (inclusive). A middle asterisk means all indices from m to n (inclusive).

Using a wildcard is the same as if the individual columns of the array had been listed one by one. E.g. these 2 compute reduce commands are equivalent, since the compute grid command creates a per-grid array with 3 columns:

compute myGrid grid all all u v w
compute 2 all reduce min c_myGrid[*]
compute 2 all reduce min c_myGrid[1] c_myGrid[2] c_myGrid[3] 

The particle attributes x,y,z,vx,vy,vz are position and velocity components. The ke,erot,evib attributes are for kinetic, rotational, and vibrational energy of particles.

If a value begins with "c_", a compute ID must follow which has been previously defined in the input script. Computes can generate per-particle or per-grid quantities. See the individual compute doc page for details. If no bracketed integer is appended, the vector calculated by the compute is used. If a bracketed integer is appended, the Nth column of the array calculated by the compute is used. Users can also write code for their own compute styles and add them to SPARTA. See the discussion above for how N can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.

If a value begins with "f_", a fix ID must follow which has been previously defined in the input script. Fixes can generate per-particle or per-grid or per-surf quantities. See the individual fix doc page for details. Note that some fixes only produce their values on certain timesteps, which must be compatible with when this compute references the values, else an error results. If no bracketed integer is appended, the vector calculated by the fix is used. If a bracketed integer is appended, the Nth column of the array calculated by the fix is used. Users can also write code for their own fix style and add them to SPARTA. See the discussion above for how N can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.

If a value begins with "v_", a variable name must follow which has been previously defined in the input script. It must be a particle-style or grid-style or surf-style variable. These styles define formulas which can reference stats keywords or invoke other computes, fixes, or variables when they are evaluated. Particle-style variables can also reference various per-particle attributes (position, velocity, etc). So these variables are a very general means of creating per-particle or per-grid or per-surf quantities to reduce.

If a value begins with "p_" or "g_" or "s_", then a custom per-particle, per-grid, or per-surf attribute with the specified name is used. Particles, grid cells, and surface elements can have custom attributes which store either single or multiple values per particle, per grid cell, or per surface element. They can be defined and initialized in data files, e.g. via the read_surf command. Or they can be defined and used by specific commands, e.g. fix ambipolar or fix surf/temp or surf_react adsorb. The name of each attribute is set by the user or defined by the command. See Section 6.17 for more discussion of custom attributes.

If no bracketed integer is appended, the custom attribute must be a per-particle, per-grid, or per-surf vector (single value). If a bracketed integer is appended, the custom attribute must be a per-particle, per-grid, or per-surf arayy (multiple values) and the Nth column of the custom array is used. See the discussion above for how N can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.

If the replace keyword is used, two indices vec1 and vec2 are specified, where each index ranges from 1 to the # of input values. The replace keyword can only be used if the mode is min or max. It works as follows. A min/max is computed as usual on the vec2 input vector. The index N of that value within vec2 is also stored. Then, instead of performing a min/max on the vec1 input vector, the stored index is used to select the Nth element of the vec1 vector.

Here is an example which prints out both the grid cell ID and number of particles for the grid cell with the maximum number of particles:

compute 1 property/grid id
compute	2 grid all n
compute	3 reduce max c_1 c_2[1] replace 1 2
stats_style step c_temp c_3[1] c_3[2] 

The first two input values in the compute reduce command are vectors with the ID and particle count of each grid cell. Instead of taking the max of the ID vector, which does not yield useful information in this context, the replace keyword will extract the ID for the grid cell which has the maximum number of particles. This ID and the cell's particle count will be printed with the statistical output.

Note that the replace keyword can be used multiple times with different pairs of indices.

The subset keyword allows selection of a subset of each input vectors quantities to be used for the reduce operation. This may affect all of the reduction operations. E.g. the ave and avesq operations will become averages for only a subset of numerical values.

If inputs are per-particle values, then a mixture ID should be specified. Only particle species belonging to the mixture will be included in the calculations. See the mixture command for how a set of species is included in a mixture.

If inputs are per-grid values, then a grid group ID should be specified. Only grid cells in the grid group will be included in the calculations. See the group grid command for info on how grid cells can be assigned to grid groups.

If inputs are per-surf values, then a surface group ID should be specified. Only surface elements in the surface group will be included in the calculations. See the group surf command for info on how surface elements can be assigned to surface groups.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If computes or fixes are used as inputs to compute reduce, they may define their own subsets of particles, grid cells, or surface elements which contribute to their output. Typically output from those computes or fixes will be zero for grid cells or surface elements not in the grid or surface group specified for those commands. Thus you may want to use an argument for the subset keyword which is consistent with the inputs, but that is not required.

If a single input is specified this compute produces a global scalar value. If multiple inputs are specified, this compute produces a global vector of values, the length of which is equal to the number of inputs specified.

Output info:

This compute calculates a global scalar if a single input value is specified or a global vector of length N where N is the number of inputs, and which can be accessed by indices 1 to N. These values can be used by any command that uses global scalar or vector values from a compute as input. See Section 6.4 for an overview of SPARTA output options.

The scalar or vector values will be in whatever units the quantities being reduced are in.

Restrictions: none

Related commands:

compute, fix, variable

Default: none