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fix surf/temp command


fix ID surf/temp surf-ID Nevery source Tinit emisurf custom-name 


compute 1 surf all all etot
fix 1 surf/temp all 1000 c_1 250 0.9 temperature
surf_collide 1 diffuse s_temperature 0.5 


Compute a new temperature for each surface element in the group once every Nevery steps. This command uses a compute or fix ID which should compute the flux of total energy onto each surface element, e.g. etot from the compute surf command. Note that SPARTA does not check that the specified compute/fix calculates an energy flux.

This fix creates a custom per-surf floating point vector with the specified name of custom-name. It can be accessed by other commands which use the temperature of surface elements. An example is the surf_collide diffuse command, as shown above.

The per-surface element temperatures computed by this fix can be output via the dump surf command, using its s_name syntax. See the examples/adjust_temp directory for input scripts that use this fix.

The specified group-ID must be the name of a surface element group, as defined by the group surf command, which contains a set of surface elements.

The specfied Nevery determines how often the surface temperatures are re-computed.

The source can be specified as a per-surf quantity calculated by a compute, such as the compute surf command. Or it can be specified a per-surf quantity calculated by a fix, e.g. one which performs time-averaging of per-surf quantities, such as fix ave/surf.

If the specified source has no bracketed term appended, the compute or fix must calculate a per-surf vector. If c_ID[N] or f_ID[N] is used, then N must be in the range from 1-M, which will use the Nth column of the M-column per-surf array calculated by the compute or fix.

The temperature of each surface element is calculated from the Stefan-Boltzmann law for a gray-body as follows:

q_wall = sigma * emisurf * Tsurf^4 

where q_wall is the heat flux to the surface (provided by the compute or fix), sigma is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant appropriate to the units being used, emisurf is the surface emissivity, and Tsurf is the resulting surface temperature.

The specified emissivity emisurf is a unitless coefficient > 0.0 and <= 1.0, which determines the emissivity of the surface. An emissivity coefficient of 1.0 means the surface is a black-body that radiates all the energy it receives.

The specified Tinit value is used to set the initial temperature of every surface element in the system. New temperature values for only the surface elements in the surf-ID group will be reset every Nevery timesteps by the formula above. Thus temperature values for surfaces not in the surf-ID group will always be Tinit.

Note that commands which use these temperature values can determine which surface element values they access by their own surf-ID group. E.g. the surf_collide diffuse command is assigned to a group of surface elements via the surf_modify command. It its Tsurf value is set to the custom vector defined by this fix, then you likely want the two surface groups to be consistent. Note that it also possible to define multiple surf_collide diffuse and multiple fix surf/temp commands, each pair of which use a different surface group and different custom per-surf vector name.

Restart, output info:

No information about this fix is written to binary restart files.

However, the values of the custom particle attribute defined by this fix is written to the restart file. Namely the floating-point vector of temperature values for each surface with the name assigned by this command. As explained on the read_restart doc page these values will be re-assigned to surface when a restart file is read. If a new fix surf/temp command is specified in the restart script as well as a surface collision model which uses the custom attribute updated by this fix, then the per-surf temperatures and updating process will continue to be used in the continued run.

No global or per-surf quantities are stored by this fix for access by various output commands.

However, the custom per-surf attribute defined by this fix can be accessed by the dump surf command, as s_name. That means those per-surf values can be written to surface dump files.


This fix can only be used in simulations that define explicit surfaces, not for implicit surface models.

Related commands: none

Default: none