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region command


region ID style args keyword value ... 


region 1 block -3.0 5.0 INF 10.0 INF INF
region 2 sphere 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 side out
region void cylinder y 2 3 5 -5.0 INF
region outside union 4 side1 side2 side3 side4 


This command defines a geometric region of space. Various other commands use regions. See the group grid, group surf, and dump_modify commands for examples.

Commands which use regions typically test whether a point is contained in the region or not. For this purpose, coordinates exactly on the region boundary are considered to be interior to the region. This means, for example, for a spherical region, a point on the sphere surface would be part of the region if the sphere were defined with the side in keyword, but would not be part of the region if it were defined using the side out keyword. See more details on the side keyword below.

The lo/hi values for the block or cylinder styles can be specified as INF which means a large negative or positive number (1.0e20).

For style cylinder, the c1,c2 params are coordinates in the 2 other dimensions besides the cylinder axis dimension. For dim = x, c1/c2 = y/z; for dim = y, c1/c2 = x/z; for dim = z, c1/c2 = x/y. Thus the third example above specifies a cylinder with its axis in the y-direction located at x = 2.0 and z = 3.0, with a radius of 5.0, and extending in the y-direction from -5.0 to infinity.

The union style creates a region consisting of the volume of all the listed regions combined. The intersect style creates a region consisting of the volume that is common to all the listed regions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Regions in SPARTA are always 3d geometric objects, regardless of whether the dimension of the simulation 2d or 3d. Thus when using regions in a 2d simulation, for example, you should be careful to define the region so that its intersection with the 2d x-y plane of the simulation has the 2d geometric extent you want.

The side keyword determines whether the region is considered to be inside or outside of the specified geometry. Using this keyword in conjunction with union and intersect regions, complex geometries can be built up. For example, if the interior of two spheres were each defined as regions, and a union style with side = out was constructed listing the region-IDs of the 2 spheres, the resulting region would be all the volume in the simulation box that was outside both of the spheres.

Restrictions: none

Related commands:



The option default is side = in.