Strong scaling performance, Sphere benchmark, K80, 8M particles
Performance in millions of particle-timesteps / second / node

Nodes Kokkos/Cuda-1 (mpi) Kokkos/Cuda-2 (mpi)
1 206.3 (2) 396 (4)
2 187.8 (2) 341.3 (4)
4 175.6 (2) 261.7 (4)
8 124.3 (2) 157.6 (4)

Run commands and logfile links for column Kokkos/Cuda-1

1 mpirun -np 2 --npersocket 1 --bind-to core spa_ride80_kokkos_cuda -sf kk -k on g 2 -pk kokkos reduction atomic comm threaded -v x 128 -v y 80 -v z 80 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.gpu.steps -log
2 mpirun -np 4 --npersocket 1 --bind-to core spa_ride80_kokkos_cuda -sf kk -k on g 2 -pk kokkos reduction atomic comm threaded -v x 128 -v y 80 -v z 80 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.gpu.steps -log
4 mpirun -np 8 --npersocket 1 --bind-to core spa_ride80_kokkos_cuda -sf kk -k on g 2 -pk kokkos reduction atomic comm threaded -v x 128 -v y 80 -v z 80 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.gpu.steps -log
8 mpirun -np 16 --npersocket 1 --bind-to core spa_ride80_kokkos_cuda -sf kk -k on g 2 -pk kokkos reduction atomic comm threaded -v x 128 -v y 80 -v z 80 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.gpu.steps -log

Run commands and logfile links for column Kokkos/Cuda-2

1 mpirun -np 4 --npersocket 2 --bind-to core spa_ride80_kokkos_cuda -sf kk -k on g 4 -pk kokkos reduction atomic comm threaded -v x 128 -v y 80 -v z 80 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.gpu.steps -log
2 mpirun -np 8 --npersocket 2 --bind-to core spa_ride80_kokkos_cuda -sf kk -k on g 4 -pk kokkos reduction atomic comm threaded -v x 128 -v y 80 -v z 80 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.gpu.steps -log
4 mpirun -np 16 --npersocket 2 --bind-to core spa_ride80_kokkos_cuda -sf kk -k on g 4 -pk kokkos reduction atomic comm threaded -v x 128 -v y 80 -v z 80 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.gpu.steps -log
8 mpirun -np 32 --npersocket 2 --bind-to core spa_ride80_kokkos_cuda -sf kk -k on g 4 -pk kokkos reduction atomic comm threaded -v x 128 -v y 80 -v z 80 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.gpu.steps -log