Single core performance, Sphere benchmark
Performance in millions of particle-timesteps / second

Nparticles SandyBridge Haswell Broadwell KNL
8000 15.69 (CPU,mpi=1) 20.65 (CPU,mpi=1) 19.71 (CPU,mpi=1) 4.498 (CPU/KNL,mpi=1)
16000 25.87 (CPU,mpi=1) 27.04 (CPU,mpi=1) 25.33 (CPU,mpi=1) 5.547 (CPU/KNL,mpi=1)

Run commands and logfile links for column SandyBridge

8000 mpirun -n 1 -N 1 --bind-to core spa_chama_cpu -v x 8 -v y 10 -v z 10 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.steps -log
16000 mpirun -n 1 -N 1 --bind-to core spa_chama_cpu -v x 16 -v y 10 -v z 10 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.steps -log

Run commands and logfile links for column Haswell

8000 srun -n 1 -C haswell --ntasks-per-node 1 --cpu_bind=cores -c 2 ./spa_mutrino_cpu -v x 8 -v y 10 -v z 10 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.steps -log
16000 srun -n 1 -C haswell --ntasks-per-node 1 --cpu_bind=cores -c 2 ./spa_mutrino_cpu -v x 16 -v y 10 -v z 10 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.steps -log

Run commands and logfile links for column Broadwell

8000 mpiexec -np 1 -npernode 1 --oversubscribe --bind-to core ./spa_serrano_cpu -v x 8 -v y 10 -v z 10 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.steps -log
16000 mpiexec -np 1 -npernode 1 --oversubscribe --bind-to core ./spa_serrano_cpu -v x 16 -v y 10 -v z 10 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.steps -log

Run commands and logfile links for column KNL

8000 srun -n 1 -C knl --ntasks-per-node 1 --cpu_bind=cores -c 4 ./spa_mutrino_knl -v x 8 -v y 10 -v z 10 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.steps -log
16000 srun -n 1 -C knl --ntasks-per-node 1 --cpu_bind=cores -c 4 ./spa_mutrino_knl -v x 16 -v y 10 -v z 10 -v t 100 -in in.sphere.steps -log